safe & sound
2021, Public Space - Dance Performance
In an installation of plexiglass cubes, dancers show from their personal artistic perspective how people follow the Corona measures in reliance on science and draw solidarity and resilience from this collective action. At the same time, social isolation and economic hardship cast doubt on the proportionality of science-based measures that push our society as a whole to its limits.
Performed at Neptunbrunnen/Rotehaus, Wissensstadt Berlin (2021). With the support of Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH, Genshagener Kreis e.V. Berlin, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR
Elisabeth Kindler Abali – Concept/Choreography/Scenography
Sofia Seta, Ahmed Soura, Eve Missio – Performance
Jaspar Libuda – Sound Composition
©Lily Roggemann